Saturday, August 10, 2019

Dealing in Dreams

I don't usually blog about books that I have yet to finish, but this read by Lilliam Rivera titled Dealing in Dreams offers a hard to find quality that I have very much come to appreciate in a book- it's not predictable.  I'm almost half way into the novel, and I'm not caught up with predicting the outcome. I appreciate how Rivera unfolds the characters so the reader gets to know them a little better as the chapters develop.

35297488. sy475 The world of Dealing in Dreams is post disaster.  An event called the "Big Shake" demolishes the comfortable aspects of life on earth and the protagonist is the leader of the toughest gang in a place called Mega City.  Chief Rocka is a fierce and driven fighter, and she has to be; her gang, the LMCs (Las Mal Criadas) is on top in Mega City, and multiple forces are trying to compete for their status and power. 

Lots of readers may be tempted to label the novel a dystopia, but this has a different feeling from other popular YA dystopias.  It reminds me a lot more the Mad Max movies than it does the many other YA dystopias that I have been known to rave about in class.  Still, like many YA dystopia protagonists, Chief Rocka understands the world inside Mega City so well that she has managed to earn her way (almost) to the top of it, and there is a life beyond its well protected borders.  I am guessing new revelations are in store for her as the world which we know so well is never completely known to us until we see it from a new perspective.  I am just happy that I haven't figured it out already. 

Truthfully, two days ago I did not even know about this book.  I was looking for a title by Matt de la Pena on the suggestion of a student, stumbled on Rivera's The Education of Margot Sanchez but that was checked out as well.  I'm lucky to have found Dealing in Dreams.  Another Jason Reynolds title (surprise, surprise) is next for me and apparently, Marie Lu is releasing another Legend  title soon, Rebel.  Summer is still going strong, as is the pile of titles I am adding to my "on deck" list. 

Do you have a title "on deck" that you cannot wait to read?  Or a dystopia that you think is your favorite title?  Feel free to comment in the comments. :)


  1. I love the way you explain the book. You are really into it even though you haven't finish. I have never heard of this book, but now I really want to read it

  2. This book definitely sound interesting and I definitely can appreciate something with good fleshed out characters. But I would like to know more about the general themes before choosing to read, although I suppose those are easyer to identify once you finish. And in term of a dystopian book I'm excited for, I have been planning to eventually read The Giver for way to long.

  3. I like the way you wrote about this book. I’ve seen this book before and didn’t know if I would like it, but the way you explained it makes me want to read it. I like the way you explained her situation and how she has to be “fierce and a driven fighter.” Very well done!!!
